luni, 21 august 2023

Sunt O Baba Comunista aka I Am An Old Communist Hag by Dan Lungu - 10 out of 10


Sunt O Baba Comunista aka I Am An Old Communist Hag by Dan Lungu

10 out of 10



The reasons why I write this note is that I think the bane of this opus brilliant, I have seen the writer (at least I think I did) on TVR Cultural and liked his poise, stand (albeit, the other day, they have had on the same Cultural Channel an incredibly loathsome guest, talking about AI or something, somebody I know from the sauna, where he peddles conspiracy theories and has a ghoulish attitude altogether) and this is such a relevant issue.


In other words, this note is not really going to help you in the least, if you look for opinions, hesitate before taking this, or the other novel, unless you appreciate tangents and hints, for I am just focused on what An Old Communist means, and I have the ‘chance’ to encounter commies all the time and thus appreciate the efforts to expose them, satirize, laugh at them, hell, anything to take down these bustards

The other day, one Old Communist (tough not a hag, but a motherfucking male relic) was making the apology of communism, telling the other people in the sauna that he had always had hot water – there is a period now when they make checks on the installations and thus different neighborhoods do not have running hot water and I think this is what brought the subject up – in the commie days, and he elaborated…


The Old Hag lived in the center – he made clear it was not a villa, but hey, fuck you old fart, who lived in the center of the city, tell me – and then he moves on to food, which was absent for the hoi polloi, and insists that he had always had nouriture, and attributes this plenty to…’having had one supplier’, I mean god damn, this is unbelievable if you are from here, a Martian will, of course buy this wholesale…

I Am An Old Hag is thus wonderful in looking at the issue of these bastards, first of all, the nomenclature who had had all the privileges and now act as if what they had had, food, electricity, hot water, the basics, were there for the rest of us –they were not, we had to queue for, well, anything, bread and milk, never mind bananas, of other such exotique items, they were not part of reality…


Therefore, to hear these Old Communist Hags selling the propaganda of the old regime – or Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia for that matter – is disgusting and we need art, culture, movies, documentaries that will present the truth, expose what was going one, for those who do not know and listen to the mother fuckers who lie

This goodfella is not an isolated case, there are many others, such as the doctor who is a leader of the Union of health care workers at a major hospital in this city, who is embarking…Putin, telling us that the Russian czar is just as loathsome as Zelenski


I mean, this corrupt fucker has made tones of money in the old regime, from corruption, he boast of the properties he has – and I have asked him, what if the Russians come here, which would be the next, logical step, if they were to defeat Ukraine, and they storm into your lavish property in Voluntari, a hugely expensive place, where the doctor has one of his multiple investments, and they take it from you…

Thus, meeting the relics of the communist days is no joy, in fact, it is awful to think that the future could be a commie one, if China becomes the predominant power, which is so likely, if America falls, and look at Trump, his cult and what they will do next year, if the idiot is elected, according to the polls, a fifty- fifty chance


I am reading a very good book, Corruptible by Brian Klaas, and among the interesting experiments and amusing details, we have this key element, the fact that we have advanced because we are very apt to learn from others – oops, there is confusion here, this detail in fact is from The Secret of Our success by Joseph Henrich – and we are good in seeing what to add to various foods, examples are given with ash in dishes that need it, the spices that have killed bacteria, and much more, but what about now

How is it possible to elect a leader – even writing this word is difficult in the context – that is sure to bring about chaos, possible Armageddon, how could Republicans abandon their credo, the bedrock, load star of their doctrines and choose as to form a cult, worshipping one who is close to Satan as possible, if the devil exists…they used to be in favor of law and order, but now when it comes to Trump…


An example form Corruptible by Brian Klaas is when he looks at Putin and the macho displays we all now, with shirtless czar on the horse, of fishing, which have nothing to do with the abilities of a leader – Brian Klaas says that if you saw your doctor in such situations, you would change him, and not just that, you would call the Medical authority, and yet, the argument in this book is that power corrupts, and at the same time, psychopaths, the bad people are attracted to positions of power, and the research of the author extends from Madagascar to police stations where you have felons running the show…

Ceausescu was such an example of a terrible man reaching for the top and then using the absolute monarchy to inflict pain and destruction, which is what America and the world will experience, if Trump is again in the White House – oh, my god, I cannot believe I write this and it is even conceivable, after all that pandemonium and mayhem

Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this    – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is



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