sâmbătă, 27 ianuarie 2018

Notes on a Scandal, based on the novel by Zoe Heller

Notes on a Scandal, based on the novel by Zoe Heller

This good film benefits from the performances of the brilliant

Judi Dench, now Dame, and Cate Blanchett.
Bill Nighy is also excellent.

Dame Judi Dench portrays a teacher, Barbara, which has one year or so before retirement.
In her school, a new colleague is played by Cate Blanchett.

This younger professor is called Sheba.
She has trouble facing the noisy, often rude and belligerent students.

One day, Barbara is passing by the class where a fight is in progress.
She comes in, establishing order again and takes the two boys out for scolding.

Barbara is very friendly and amiable.
The younger teacher invites the senior to her house.

Sheba is married to a much older man, Richard aka Bill Nighy.
They have two children, a girl and a boy who is autistic.

The motion picture has a voice over and Barbara is the one telling the story or the

Notes on a Scandal

We gradually understand that Barbara has more than just a "normal, usual" interest in helping a younger, charming colleague.
Details of a previous relationship with a woman come forward.

This film is exceptional and the slow access into the intimacy of the protagonists is part of the secret of its success.
Barbara is just about sure that her friendship with Sheba is set to become ever more resplendent.

During a school play, the older teacher reserves a seat next to her for her friend.
But when the latter does not come, she starts looking.

This is one climax or the nadir of the story, depending on how you look at it.

For in a room near the school, Sheba and the fifteen year old Steven are having...sex!
The older woman is flabbergasted!

Outraged, she is facing her younger colleague and threatens:

You end this now, or I will inform the school master!
Yes, I will!

Barbara is then playing the role of the confidant.
Tell me all about it.

The boy is only fifteen, but so adult in his manner.
He insisted, sent messages and finally seduced his teacher.

If we are to take this view, of course.
It is clear now that Barbara is a lesbian, attracted to the beautiful, younger woman.

She sees this as the amazing chance to play all this adversity and trauma to her advantage.
In the end, Sheba will see that her family, husband and kids are not her happiness.

She will move with Barbara and they will live happily ever after.
Or so the latter thinks.

And all is well for a while.
Until Barbara sees the young man in the garden of her friend.

She is out of her mind with fury.
Threats, blackmail and many scenes follow.

Sheba has not ended her affair with the fifteen year old!

One of the school teachers comes to Barbara to confess that he is in love with Sheba and to ask for advice.
This is another nadir.

The disappointed woman throws the bomb...
Sheba appears to like much younger men, boys really...

They say that she has an affair with this pupil...Steven.

All hell breaks loose.
The boy's mother comes to Sheba's house and starts knocking her about.

Whore! How could you do that! And many expletives are shouted.
The authorities place the teacher under accusation.

Mass media gathers at the gate and of course, the husband is mad.
Barbara has to face consequences too.

The headmaster gives her the option to retire earlier or face the storm.
Barbara has had a very rocky, to put it mildly, relationship with her previous love interest.

The other younger teacher has gone to a solicitor who has sent restricting orders.
Barbara has threatened that woman's boyfriend and has really been more than a nuisance.

Notes on a Scandal is an exhilarating drama

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