luni, 14 octombrie 2019

A Dog's Journey, based on the novel by Bruce Cameron - 7 out of 10

A Dog's Journey, based on the novel by Bruce Cameron
7 out of 10

Notwithstanding the fact that it is always emotionally engaging and rewarding to watch a motion picture with animals in the leading roles, it can also be less satisfying on an intellectual the sense that the story can be corny, not very challenging for the analytical parts of the brain.

When two Good Samaritans try to help the stray cats that may die soon, in the rubble of a demolition without legal papers - that is, with some documents obtained under false pretenses - they find with the cats a charming puppy.
The beneficiary of the construction that is supposed to raise on top of the animals is evidently a monster, interested in his profits and willing to kill for the money.

He has also enrolled another brute from the Animal Control office, who would not spare any effort to catch and eventually euthanize Bailey - the puppy that would grow to be an impressive adult dog.
There are some scenes here that seem ludicrous and anyway, the audience does feel pity and empathy for the animals, only most of us do nothing to adopt one of the millions that die at the end of their stay in shelters...we adopted a stray female, Zara, but it was mostly the spouse, I only paid for the food.

A series of easy to anticipate adventures would follow.
First off, the poor hero of the film is declared a potential menace.

Indeed, it might be the result of cross breeding with one of the pit bull or similar breeds, which in some territories are considered 'lethal weapons'
Having such an animal is just like having a revolver.
After a first warning, the dog is confiscated and when he is sent a huge distance away, the protagonist escapes.

A massive effort to reunite with the master follows.
During the interminable journey, friends are made, lessons in how to get food as a stray are learned.

Other vicious people are met, one is saved when he is covered by an avalanche- which even with the special effects of the age looks fake - by his dog and our hero, but when he has his life back, he says...

You do what you want with the dogs, I don't care!

That despicable creature deserved to die.
The dog finds a puma puppy, whose mother had just been killed by other brutes.

The two become best friends and save each other in turn, albeit the puma also looks unreal.

There are some great good things to say about this movie, but not enough to make it a must see.

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