miercuri, 21 septembrie 2022

Permaflow 13 Utilitarianism http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world


Permaflow 13 Utilitarianism http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world



Utilitarianism is a moral theory that argues that actions should be judged right or wrong to the extent they increase or decrease human well-being or 'utility' and according to this, there are quite a few villains out there that should disappear and they would do so much good by just moving off into the sunset…


George Bernard Shaw was saying at one time about Hitler that he was a good speaker, and kept on with the impressive achievements, but concluded that it would have been so much better for humanity had he never been born, and that would be true about Putin, Trump, Bolsanaro – arguably, given that he says Zelensky is just as guilty for the invasion of Ukraine as Putin, Lula would be included here – Xi, Kim of North Korea, Maduro and so many others…

In 1990, I was lucky to continue working for mass media, and that was my good start or just a brake for another, alternative life – let us say I had not worked for Helsingin, The Globe and The Mail, Radio Sweden, then I would stay in my lane, or maybe tried some other enterprise and avoid the blind alley where I have ended now…


After all, those who have graduated in geology, even more so more so for geophysics (where I have a diploma) would go on to make incredible amounts of money, granted, if they have been willing to travel and endure the climate, mosquitoes, perils of war, danger of attacks from fundamentalists and all sort of privations, they could make up to twenty thousand dollars per month, perhaps in the middle of the ocean on a deep oil drill…

As it was, the chance to make one hundred dollars and more per day looked and was fabulous, even if it eventually came down to twenty per day, when the arrangement covered a longer period, in the case of Radio Sweden, which had sent Christina Nylander down here, and she had me as her assistant for a couple of months or six weeks…


Then of course, later on, doing ‘part time’ work for AT&T, this would decrease even further, for this multinational mastodon would just pay 250 per month to begin with and a maximum of 400 at the end, when they would give me two countries to cover, OMG, my blood is boiling now, as I recall this so I better stop…

And continue…and they expected a lot of fucking work for that – talk of sweat shops – to travel to all the countries around and far away, to represent them with dignity at Am Cham and other (all) meetings, and with money for suits (presumably not taken out from the garbage piles), ties, shoes and deodorant - or stinking to high heaven or hell would be an indication that Greed is good, we are talking Wall Street meanness here, just like Gordon Gecko aka Michael Douglas in the celebrated, quintessential motion picture http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/08/wall-street-written-by-stanley-weiser.html


Working from the Intercontinental Hotel also opened another door, when the marketing manager over there offered me a few tours to work with, and one in particular, taking travelers with The Smithsonian around would send me on the path to the…US Embassy, which was just across the street back then.

One guest with The Smithsonian liked what I did and said and since he had a good friend in the embassy, he called him and arranged a meeting, which took place, but without obvious consequences when it happened.


Later though, the spouse of the Chief of The Economic Section, Mr. Flowers, Norie Flowers would call me to arrange for trips and then we were on a roll, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, she would have bus tours around the country and at the same time, she would give my number to numerous visitors and then business was good.

On the other hand, forced to look for alternatives, maybe I would have tried to look for (even better) alternatives and perhaps try to partner with Danny O (the dude who is maybe one of the top 20 richest, surely among the top 50) and a tiny few percentages out of that massive beano would still mean I would have ten times what I do now…this is wrong though – ‘Wealth - any income that is at least one hundred dollars more a year than the income of one's wife's sister's husband…H L Mencken…


On some levels, the life I have now could be seen as close to perfect, or even that, if such a thing exists, in that the mountain of cash does not sit in the living room or anywhere on the premises, in a bank account or buried somewhere, but I now have Balzac on my shoulder, and I do not mean the ghost of the rather heavy, splendid writer – who might be a burden, even in ethereal form, given the size and tonnage of the author –but the blue and gold macaw of that name, and besides, there is also Puccini, his brother in arms, the red and green macaw, who is roaming around the room and when they are not a pain, screaming or defecating over the place, they can be an absolute joy that cash cannot buy…

Well, it actually does, and one of them was about thirteen hundred dollars, and the other about one thousand, so they do not come exactly cheap, albeit regarded as pets, they can be seen as an investment, for they live five or six times longer than a dog, depending on the breed, a giant one would only last ten to twelve years, so a macaw should cost five times more than a dog of that kind, and I did pay one thousand for a borzoi…


You have a life time companion with one of those, the problem being exactly that, the benefit is also the drawback; what do you do with them after you die, who is going to take care of them, and before that, if you have some like mine, and you use them with your continual presence, then you are trapped…but it is such a sweet imprisonment…sometimes


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