duminică, 30 octombrie 2022

Rabbit Redux by John Updike – a previous note on this book has been published at http://realini.blogspot.com/2016/03/rabbit-redux-by-john-updike-great-book.html - 10 out of 10


Rabbit Redux by John Updike – a previous note on this book has been published at http://realini.blogspot.com/2016/03/rabbit-redux-by-john-updike-great-book.html

10 out of 10



This is the second time I have read Rabbit Redux and this is because I have enjoyed the tetralogy, critics say it is ‘a masterpiece’ and it is included on The 100 Best novels Written in English compiled by The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/aug/17/the-100-best-novels-written-in-english-the-full-list and most of all, it is a pleasure to read and it navigates easily, even in audiobook format…


The hero aka anti-hero or just a common man we have met in Rabbit Run, the first part of the roman fleuve, his name is Harry Angstrom aka Rabbit, and we can see quite a few things we share with him, just as we have many differences, this being the archetypal (maybe) American man of the sixties and we come from across the globe

He has been a fabulous basketball player in his teenage days, but later on, the promise has been not fulfilled and he has lost his wife, job and spoiler alert – since this note is not about Rabbit Run, I could say that the protagonist has a daughter die, because she is accidentally drowned by Janice, her alcoholic mother, and then Harry shares in the blame – and he is now trying to find his way, a new identity maybe


Surely the most important aspect that I like about this read is how much I now have in common with Rabbit, if some decades ago I would be outraged by the equanimity with which he takes the affair that his wife, Janice, has with her father’s salesman, Charlie Stavros, now I am quite serene about it and find that I take my spouse’s almost daily evasions, the long weekend trips with serious doses of ataraxia.

There are more than qualms about this, but they are mainly or even exclusively directed at the money spent on these outings, the perils involved by the terrorizing, upcoming new crisis and not by some the possible, nay, sure innuendo, and the disparaging fact concerns the attitude of contempt, which is one of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse, as identified by the quintessential expert on relationships, John Gottman, author of the classic The seven Principles of Making Marriage Work

http://realini.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-seven-principles-of-making-marriage.html the others are Defensiveness, Stonewalling and Criticism


Harry Angstrom is not an innocent, injured party, for he has had an affair with Ruth (maybe a child resulted from the intimacy) and he had driven away from home, thinking he may end up on the ocean coast, somewhere in the South, maybe in red Texas (red for the cult of Trump, not the communism which was associated with that color in our part of the world) and furthermore, he has a relationship with a teenager.


Jill settles in the house where Janice has gone missing, and she has intercourse with Rabbit, trying to recover from our own traumas, she has run away from home, the place where her mother lives with her step father, taking away the white Porsche with he (incidentally, VW has just put out shares in this company for sale, and the estimation may make it the second most valuable car company in the world, second only to Tesla, the toy of the crazy, richest man on the planet, who had just interfered in the war in Ukraine…after he had initially backed the right side, giving access to the crucial Star link system, he now talks of peace [which would be lovely] but on some Russian terms, with them keeping the Crimea and presumably some of the land they have invaded in this goddamn war) and she would destroy the luxury vehicle.

She would drive it without oil and so the engine would be ruined, but she is not the only one to do that, for we have Skeeter mistreating the automobile – Skeeter is a drug dealer wanted by the police, who seems to think to think he is the new Messiah or Jesus, he keeps saying ‘right’ and has a speech that is both dazzling and somewhat hard to believe…would a normal person talk like that, never mind one with little education.


However, let me refer to the wondrous To The Hermitage http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/09/to-hermitage-by-malcolm-bradbury-author.html by Malcolm Bradbury, wherein he writes about the fabulous advantage of engaging with the literary world, where everything is so much more interesting (his humor is unique and he says unless we are talking Kafka or Beckett) the characters are much cleverer, the events satisfying, scintillating (he does not use those words, of course, but you could and should look for the magnum opus and/or the passages in question) the readers have access to a phenomenal world and they can do that from their home, or bed and then we could add the quote from Umberto Eco which gives readers ‘Immortality backwards’ assured for us by reading, which means living five thousand lives, as opposed to the ones who do not read and have only one, alas…

I will return to what makes this magnum opus (in the words of TIME Magazine) so much more important for me, the fact that there are many parallels between the life of Rabbit and my own, at least in the part covered by Redux and some of the aspects that define what we do now, first of all, the continuous fighting with the spouse and the separation that is in effect, not taken to a divorce yet (albeit who knows, maybe she is seeing a lawyer right now, however implausible, seeing that she woke up early and taken the car yet again on one of her regular long, fuel consuming trips to who knows where, maybe Predeal)


Harry Angstrom is resigned to the situation and eventually, he will even accept Charlie Stravros working for him, and just as he does, I tolerated the fact that I spend most of my time with the babies (aka the two macaws, Balzac and Puccini) at home, but the extent of the spending, the travels, the insults have become too much lately, and even if stoic precepts come to mind (wish for what you already have) and an inclination to laughter, self-deprecating humor can take over, still, taking all that much shit can be overwhelming…right now, she may be in the mountains, with her sister or who knows what (that Raymond fellow may be there as well) and the whole expense is on my tab, the silly son of a bitch that is good for nothing, though a hero of the revolution – check this out http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/03/realini-in-newsweek-participant-in.html -and able to do this http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world

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