vineri, 2 decembrie 2022

The Queen, Episode 6, Maharajah of Jaipur


The Queen, Episode 6, Maharajah of Jaipur



We were near the tickets booth, when I said that ‘we need to talk about this’…no, I am joking, there was no need, and I was intimidated to some extent, so who knows what I mumbled, but whatever it was, it had some positive effect, for she agreed to communicate and eventually, she did accept my offer for a ride.


We drove on Elizabeth Avenue and started changing some details about each other, which is what people do in conversation, when they meet for the first time (or at least it was back then, when things were so different, it is as if I am talking about Jurassic Park) and she tells me that she is Miss Romania, and I am then sure she is just joking, this is a prank, it was so bizarre, as if the Monty Python Masters have just entered the car, and I replied ‘sure, and I am the Maharajah of Jaipur’ or something like that

Only it was no joke, she was the Queen of Beauty – for this realm anyway – and she had the official title to prove it, furthermore, she was going that very evening to a ceremony for the athletes of the year, held at the Palatul Copiilor aka The Children’s Palace in 1990, perhaps something different today, to hand over one or a few symbolic awards to those who had run fast, had thrown weights to long distances or otherwise had done such great feats in the previous year – I just realized that the previous period had been one of turmoil and the situation had had political implications, but that is another side to the ceremony


If looking back is also about trying to understand, see what made one do this instead of the other, then it might be worth pondering if, or to what extent her title played into the narrative, had she been just plain Daniela from the East would I have been so euphoric and Bedazzled, it could still be the case, for I was very easily thrilled back then and thought I fell in love many times, multiple is the better word, and the over one thousand sexual partners explain a vulnerability, flawed character, but also the need for a stable relationship which never materialized…well, there has been marriage for what, about twenty five years now…

However, marriage now is just a situation where we live together, that is in the same house, and separate beds for some fifteen years or so, never had sex for ten of those, I think, it might be different, and the question is over finances, if she would get the means, she would walk out in a flash, but as it is, we just cannot afford an alternative where the move will provide some shelter which would be not similar, but coming close to the too large house in which I write this…it is on many levels a preposterous situation, for we have some minimum heat in this room, but because the macaws are here, and they do not survive under fifteen degrees Celsius, never mind the freezing temperature that has descended upon us overnight (it is after all November 26, 2022, and in Ukraine and other places around it had been snowing and they have had zero and under for some time now) and this is too large for the means…


There is the garden though, with the roses, irises, (this should be done as a late night gratitude exercise, of which you can find so much inspirational information from The How of Happiness by magician Sonja Lyubomirsky) the tree where there are about three hundred sparrows, then the few doves that have their domicile here, they look like such a gourmet meal to the cats (about twelve these days) that roam around, but have their base in the same heavenly jardin, that sleep in summer near the oak tree, among the bamboo…and oh, the marvelous bamboo (cut down too much by the same spouse, who feels they spread too much) there is such a splendid group of what, sixty, perhaps ninety trees, grown to let us say six meters

Then the wisteria, which would have wrapped all around the house by now, together with the Canada vine and some of the other vines, had the wife allowed it to develop – granted, she has a strong point when she indicates that with my lazy attitude, there would be a wild mess, with greenery suffocating the whole space and altogether the jungle grown if left alone will not be pleasant to watch – with the tuia trees dominating with their twenty meters of towering height, standing near some apple, cherry (one) and maple tree (only one of three left, one or two brought all the way from Rosenau, some one hundred miles north, where we have lived for about three years) with two small holes for lotus flowers, one of which is drying up slowly (actually too fast for the plans)


Coming back to 1990, the presence of this big winner must have been overwhelming and no matter what her personal attractions, the idea that I am driving with a queen of sorts, however unanointed and proletarian she could be (I just have to smile at the thought of her mother reading this, she might be alive, and she sure thought that her baby was royalty and there is no way in hell or heaven that she could consort with the likes of me…indeed, she was so sure that was preposterous that when we would meet and I would be presented as the ‘friend’ [in the medium of the present, she would say I am the gay mate, and therefore so harmless] she took it for face value and never worried there could be anything else, how could there be, seeing that the Queen was so high above and I could be only a humble subject…she could have been right in some ways, but clearly in error in others, morally, they would be abominable to abandon such a good piece of erudite spirit [look at the noble, amusing, enchanting, witty and so much more lines I display here] for the mother fucking ass hole who stole lots of money from the public or somewhere and ended up in prison, but only the bastard will have married the ephemeral queen of beauty, which was so wrong as to be against the rules of the game.

When she got the title, they have placed within the contract quite a few stipulations, many abusive and they tried and took advantage of the small print, making the girl do whatever (almost) they wanted, but in there, they surely have had clauses that indicated she must behave responsibly, she cannot act the fool, insult people, make a mockery of the whole shindig and be a real ambassador the brand, which would be harmed if she associates with the mob, Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and she did not take quite that role, but still, that was a fucking wrong move, to dump the wise, funny, serene me for that swindler

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