sâmbătă, 15 aprilie 2023

A Lost Letter aka O Scrisoare Pierduta by Ion Luca Caragiale – some celebrate him as the greatest Romanian writer, author of A Stormy Night aka O Noapte Furtunoasa http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/05/o-noapte-furtunoasa-by-ion-luca.html and other satirical, magic plays - 10 out of 10


A Lost Letter aka O Scrisoare Pierduta by Ion Luca Caragiale – some celebrate him as the greatest Romanian writer, author of A Stormy Night aka O Noapte Furtunoasa http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/05/o-noapte-furtunoasa-by-ion-luca.html and other satirical, magic plays

10 out of 10



I have made a note on this local classic – it would be interesting to quantify the impact this might have had outside our realm…I was overwhelmed the other day to find one of the important lists, compiled in Sweden, including a local novel Barefoot aka Descult by Zaharia Stancu – about nine years ago http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/04/o-scrisoare-pierduta-by-ion-luca.html ou sont les neiges d’antan…


Works of art, books are revised now…I have just received a message from friend Marius about the case of the teacher fired in Florida, for showing young adults a photo of the chef d’oeuvre Davis by Michelangelo, this was labeled as showing pornography and then the state of Florida has a governor at war with Woke, though he does not define it, he fights it as a means to become popular and eventually beat Trump

On the A Closer Look show of the hilarious Seth Meyer he has just had fun at the interview given by the orange drama queen, in which he tells this story of Desantis coming to the then president with ‘tears in his eyes’ to beg for a favor, to be endorsed in the race for the governorship of that bizarre place, with a ‘terrible message’, which the Orange Alien, in his munificence has changed, and because of the magnanimity of the weirdo, Waco Narcissistic sick man, Desanctimonious won the election…


They are expected to clash over the nomination for the Republican party and hence the exchange of fire, especially coming from Trump, over the disloyalty of the former protégé, also called apparently Meatball Ron in private (allegedly, the Big Liar is pondering over various nicknames yet) and the drama and comedy will only intensify as they advance towards the primaries and the polls will change…it looked for a while as if Desantis might prevail, with his mini Trump strategy, but he is a pitiful candidate…

The former president is a calamitous figure, it shows how little the world has progressed on many levels, if humanity has come to be led from 2017, Alhamdulillah for only four years and he will lose next time as well, Insha’Allah, then we could doubt on the advancement of civilization, if so many tens of millions, in the once most advanced democracy, have decided to identify with such a disgusting man


There is an august, adjectival, hideous kinky, medicine book – these are words that have come from some magnum opera, The True Story of The Kelly Gang by Peter Carey, Hideous Kinky by Esther Freud, granddaughter of Sigmund Freud and daughter of Lucien Freud, and Little Big Man by Thomas Berger http://realini.blogspot.com/2015/12/little-big-man-by-thomas-berger.html - Sapiens A Brief History of Human Kind


http://realini.blogspot.com/2021/02/sapiens-brief-history-of-humankind-by.html in this marvel (a real treat, unlike the Marvel Universe, which is anathema for me) we find reasons to be optimistic – as well as what the future generations will think of us, cruel beings that torture and kill animals for their flesh, or even worse, for pelts, fur or no reason at all, just for ‘fun’, like say the progeniture that has inherited the same unfortunate DNA that the orange goon has- as Yuval Harari explains, humanity has never had it so good, a long period of peace, interrupted after the publication of the book by Putin the Monster.

I just remembered that I am supposed to write about something else, I mean I have started all this for the ‘benefit’ of A Lost Letter, the connection between the play and what is going on in the world, the malfeasances I touched upon, would be that we have liars, corruption, the quest and thirst for political power, machinations that will accept anything, just to get ‘elected’, and if this was thought a satire that exposes shortcomings in our political system, the way a candidate is promoted due to blackmail, it is good for the world as well.


We have a ménage a trois, in which Stefan Tipatescu, prefect of the county, somebody much more honorable in my view than Meatball Ron, has an affair with Zoe Trahanache, wife of his friend and political ally, Zaharia Trahanache, and the rival from the opposition finds a letter that testifies to the cheating, and if published, it would call a scandal…how innocent and pure were these scoundrels, when compared with the eejit who has ruined the reputation of America for so many, with his entanglements with porn stars, the disgusting talk on the Hollywood bus and elsewhere, the calamity of January 6th and so much more…

Nae Catavencu, political adversary and ruthless crook, threatens and blackmails with the letter, but he is just as inept as he is unscrupulous, and then they send from the center, some desperate, absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, demented fellow, Agamita Dandanache, and we laugh and cry at the panoply of scoundrels, parvenus, incompetents, sycophants, that have a replica in today’s world, even in America


If these fellows from the Lost Letter have some attenuating circumstances, the plot is situated in the year of grace 1883, when democracy, if extant, was in its cradle here, otherwise a less fortunate corner of the planet, on matters of progress and over imposing, oppressing, conquering neighbors – think of The Ottoman Empire, Austro- Hungary and last, but not least Czarist Russia, then the vile Soviet Union, and finally, the one who thinks the fall of the soviet empire was the biggest catastrophe of the last century, War Criminal Putin, who now has an arrest warrant on his name from the International Court of Justice

It is with wonder that we find how relevant this is, in describing politics in the US, Florida, on the red side of the spectrum, even if there will be those that will find fault and say that it is passé, not an appropriate read for our age, I bed to differ and have mentioned the parallels between the characters in the Lost Letter and ‘very stable geniuses’ around the world… http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world

Signed by Realini, proud participant in the 1989 Revolution, as evidenced in this Newsweek article http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/03/realini-in-newsweek-participant-in.html

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