vineri, 14 aprilie 2023

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Magician Author of some of the greatest plays, including Cat On A Hot Tin Roof - 10 out of 10


A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Magician Author of some of the greatest plays, including Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

10 out of 10



I have been elated by watching A Street Car Named Desire, and the latest could be the third time – the magic is still there, one of the most rewarding experiences will have audiences admiring Marlon Brando, at his peak, as Stanley Kowalski, an uneducated man, with an impressive Emotional Intelligence…studies have shown that EQ is much more important (have I read it is twice as crucial) than IQ.


When this masterpiece was on the other day, I thought of the Paradigm Shift (once Blanche Dubois comes to live with Stanley and her sister, Stella, everything changes – by the way, this chef d’oeuvre is such a hit that it pops up in the most unlikely places and circumstances, one has Elaine from Seinfeld shouting like Brando aka Stanley, after she gets drunk at a party ‘Stella’) described in the Booker Prize Winner Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre one of my favorite comedies, and books of all time, come to think of it…

Vernon is told about Paradigm Shift in those terms, albeit I do not know the passage by heart, and if you want to laugh out loud, then you better read this portion, and much better still, find the magnum opus and enjoy it – you come into this room and find a stranger with a finger up your granny’s arse, what do you think…the answer is evidently that Vernon is outraged and ready to pummel the fellow…


In a short time, you see that the man had learned about a terrible danger your respectable relative had been in, and overcame his massive reluctance, to try and save the elderly woman, now what do you say about the new situation…well, he is a hero, kudos, or words to that effect – this would be the fundamental change, that is described in Vernon God Little, which has a good number of hilarious events and characters, like the lawyer who looks like he just arrived from Cuba, with his sleek costume, suit or what not

Blanche Dubois descends upon the Kowalski family, to stay with her sister, and to begin with, she acts with pomp and aristocratic hauteur, pretending to be an authentic lady, with high placed friends, taking some leave form school and lying about, well, almost anything, she could be compared with the Pinocchio of our age, Trump, only her situation is much more serious and there are attenuating circumstances for the woman, while the orange fellow can only be forgiven for having lost his wits, if he ever had any…


Spoiler alert, it will be uncovered that the claims to having an enviable position are all pretense, for Blanche is in fact near destitution, she had been dismissed by the school, because she might have had an inappropriate attitude towards a teenage pupil, and then there have been a number of affairs and intimacies with men


The context is important, for at that time (and in many places today) male chauvinist pigs dominated the scene, passed judgment on women and almost everything else, condemning even the most banal connections and labeling those who agreed to accept their advances as sluts, immoral and attaching many other slurs, insults, for humans who were vulnerable, easy prey for the predators and the men that had all the advantages…

Blanche Dubois is one of the most intriguing, captivating, interesting, impressive characters, for on the one hand, she is clearly a victim of the age, men, having suffered disappointments, financial distress and so many more challenges, adversities, traumas, and on the other hand, she shows resilience, if she is presenting a ‘false’ image, how could anyone blame her, if life is so grim, then one has to survive it somehow…


There are a few ways we could look at Stanley Kowalski, the present day standards would disqualify him as a bully and abuser, for he is very aggressive, at least from one point on, towards his sister-in-law – when he gives her a present, spoiler alert, he means a ticket out of town, with the message that she has overstayed her welcome and needs to get out…furthermore, Stanley pushes off his friend, Mitch

Blanche had managed somehow to get close to Mitch, and the latter seemed determined to propose to the otherwise superior woman, but once he finds that she had had affairs with men, this is a signal for the fellow that he can have sex, he makes it clear that she is not good enough to take home to his mother, but will nonetheless have a fling, exploit her if you will just to satisfy his more primitive urges.


Reading this in a contemporary, perhaps feminist key, we have males pushing Blanche into what they would call promiscuity of worse, and then complaining about her ‘immorality’, some exploit her and other cry out and finger the ‘sin’…if we look at the narrative from a perspective that was predominant at the time, then Stanley could be praised for finding about his sister-in-law and ending her stay.

Milan Kundera explained the difference between pity and compassion, the former is reserved for those we see as having a lower position, while the latter is poured on the ones we feel that they are our equals…this might have been elaborated on in The Unbearable Lightness of Being perhaps the best known of his works


Blanche Dubois has suffered and reached a nadir, but she is also a strong character, someone we must admire, for the lying is a necessary defense mechanism (bastards like Trump lie permanently to obtain massive privileges or maintain them) what could she do, tell the men she meets that other males have taken advantage, they will reject her, this is what they do…

this note is signed by Realini, participant in the 1989 Revolution, as proved in this page from Newsweek

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