luni, 29 mai 2023

Supertoys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldiss, the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s AI Artificial Intelligence…Brian Aldiss is the author of the masterpiece Non Stop included on the list of 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read - 10 out of 10


Supertoys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldiss, the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s AI Artificial Intelligence…Brian Aldiss is the author of the masterpiece Non Stop included on the list of 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read

10 out of 10



Artificial Intelligence has been in the news for quite some time now, and about one thousand scientists and specialists in the domain have called for a temporary halt in the development of new tools, one of them is Elon Musk, who has his own start up developing the technology and thus could be in a conflict of interest…anyway, the second richest man (if this has not changed in the meantime, he was once the wealthiest, but due to his improvident behavior, the fortune of the man and more importantly, of the folks working for him fluctuates) is not the trustworthy luminary we should listen to…


The theory of Singularity – explained with extreme talent in Why The West Rules for Now by Ian Morris - predicts that around 2035, due to the inevitable progress in computing power – including that law which doubled the capacity of computing for a chip, which in fact is a different rule, but here you have it botched and maimed, it could be per square millimeter, and not doubling, like in that Radio Yerevan joke we had under communism…’is it true that Mr. Ionescu (my name, and that of another half a million people living in this realm) has been given a white Dacia’ (car made locally) the answer from Radio Yerevan is ‘no, it is not a car, it is a bicycle, it was not given to him, it was taken away from him and it is not white, it is black’- the supercomputer will have surpassed all that humanity knows

I am in some ways relying on Artificial Intelligence, even in what regards this note, and all the (too many) others that I have written, for seeing that there is a small (almost non extant) audience for these scribblings (and alas, it is as it should be, for there is not much, if anything, worth extracting here) in human terms, then there is this escape, the future will be dominated by these machines, and since they have these super brains, they will be able to consume all that I have ‘produced’ (or destroyed) here, and all that in a tiny fraction of a nano second, and furthermore, it will be able to make some (granted, very limited) sense out of these elucubrations, perhaps as in ‘there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’, most likely the contribution to the revolution that took down Ceausescu 


In December 1989, I took to the streets and joined the couple of hundred protesters in the Roman Square, led by the real hero Andrei Finti – this would be part of the miniscule contribution I bring to the table, the repeated emphasis on the role of this glorious actor and man, the one that deserves a statue – maybe AI could be used for that in the future – whereas we have had tens of thousands of fake revolutionaries, one of the real leaders of that rebellion (and there are less than twenty authentic key figures, people like Caramitru, Doina Cornea, Dinescu) has been almost completely forgotten, I have never seen him taking the stage to speak about his paramount role, but that is the way - ’Revolutions eat their children’, in this case, that movement has taken into oblivion the special one, and if for nothing else, those notes would help in the future to try and pay homage to Andrei Finti, the real hero


As for my presence, it is evoqued in the Newsweek article, written by the Eastern Europe correspondent, Michael Meyers…I met him in those febrile days, and since I had my chance to translate for James Wilde from TIME (what a strange coincidence, to meet two corresponds, and from then rival publications) I have called Dan Minulescu to come and do some work for Michael Meyers (Dan has become in the meantime one of the fifty richest people in this realms and I should be felicitous and proud, for he had been for a short stint my pupil…this is another small contribution, what, I have written some autobiographical notes for this Future AI, and in the history of the rise of local business, Dan would have a role assigned, and since I had given him a few lessons, there are some tiny kudos there, albeit we have had arguments, when he first came, we entered a sort of parallel deal, a trip offered outside the state network, which was illegal, and the share of the profits I divided was sixty percent for me and the rest for the new kid on the block, who protested…but hey, when I was an apprentice, they never even mentioned the possibilities, never mind teaching me anything in that regard, as for sharing the profits, seeing one percent, are you joking? this is the link to the copy of the crucial page

One of the most important luminaries of our times is Yuval Harari, who has three major works so far, Sapiens, A Brief History of Humanity, Twenty One Lessons for the 21st Century and Home Deus – A Brief History of Tomorrow the latter looks at the progress we have made, and what the future looks like, with people living longer and longer, hence Deus aka God, for we will become like gods, living almost forever – you, if you are younger – and the challenges brought on by Artificial Intelligence, the algorithms that already play such a part in our existence, the fact that we have traded our information, much like natives of Africa and other places have given away huge treasures for the small beads brought by colonizers, we get free videos with cats in exchange for vital information that we offer…


We have grown too dependent on the computers – there is the example that is tragicomic of the Japanese (I think they were from Japan) travelers who followed the indications of the trip assistant to the point where they plunged into the ocean – but it is evident that we will stop driving and have the benefit of getting a mix of Michael Schumacher and Immanuel Kant to drive for us – the issue of utilitarian philosophy is brought on, cars could be altruistic or selfish in their modus operandi, but humans will probably buy the option where the driving system prefers the owner to another, in case of an accident =-

Jobs are on the line, and we have extended analysis to read, for instance, echography will be better interpreted by AI, which will have accumulated the experience of seeing and understanding millions, maybe hundreds of millions of images, as opposed to the best human doctors who will have seen only a few thousand, if that… now for  a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this   – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se

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