luni, 24 iulie 2023


Amadeus by Peter Shaffer, directed by Milos Forman

10 out of 10



Amadeus is one of the best films ever made, and it was a pleasure to see some of it again, as it was scheduled on television the other day


Milos Forman is a magician, Magister Ludi, and in a strange coincidence, as Amadeus was rolling on one channel, another one had One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest on another masterpiece...

Amadeus was a fabulous composer, I have seen a documentary that presented a research that found his music to have the poetic effect, and even plants grow better when given Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to listen.


Milan Kundera argued that we have to use the word genius sparingly, and apply it to Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare, and Einstein.

In addition, he is right in saying that inflation could affect not just money, but the value of words as well, as Thomas Mann explained


However, Amadeus Mozart would deserve the admiration, and to be called a genius, even when we put down a short list and try to keep talented people off it, so that the real praise goes to the authentic luminaries…

He was a vulgar man, and another documentary explains how Milos Forman had it almost perfectly right – Milos Forman could be called a genius


There are some details that do not reflect reality, and we obviously have to take into account artistic license, but the person of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart appears to be as close to reality as it could be envisaged…

He did not die because Salieri had had this plot to spy on him, at least there is no evidence as far as I know, and the circumstances of the composing of his last chef d’oeuvre would have been changed for the film…


Nevertheless, it is a quite accurate depiction, even if he was not buried as a pauper, the way it is presented in the motion picture -there is no need for a spoiler alert here, everybody knows he died, right?

I am in fact fond of the outré laughter that Tom Hulce has used to spice up his main character, and the result is compelling – justifying the surprise when the Oscar was given to Abraham Murray, for his depiction of Salieri


Indeed, it is a mystery to me, the fall from the state of grace experienced by Abraham Murray, after winning the big, most wanted trophy, he did not disappear, but we have not seen him at the top, or I did not

He was acclaimed for the presence in the successful The White Lotus series, but if I enjoyed the first season, the second disappointed


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will ‘live forever’, that is if humanity will prevail, climate change will not end up meaning system failure, or AI terminates Sapiens and then all the culture will vanish

However, we can still wonder how many humans listen to Amadeus these days, and the conclusion would be that only the crème de la crème, the hoi polloi have not even heard of the man, never mind listen to his magnum opera, and what will happen in the future is the question, if AI produced music – which is happening right now – will not enter the realm of mixing classical music with pop, rap and all else, to offer the next generations a mixture that suits them best, and thus eliminating the ‘obsolete’?


The bigger question is if humans have a viable existence here, with the two, actually three threats they are facing, one will be Climate change and the possibility that it all boils over, then there is Artificial Intelligence, which could destroy humanity, but also find a solution to the Heating of Earth, and then thirdly, a devastating war…the news this morning were about the nuclear weapons moved to Belarus, and the fact that the Russian mass killer has said (for what, the thirtieth time) that he could use atomic weapons…


Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is

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