vineri, 7 iulie 2023

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey – the inspiration for the Milos Forman masterpiece - 10 out of 10


One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey – the inspiration for the Milos Forman masterpiece

10 out of 10



The Milos Forman chef d’oeuvre has been aired again, the other day, just as, in a strange coincidence, Amadeus was on another channel, at the same time


I am awed by this masterpiece, one of the best fifty or twenty motion pictures ever made, showing among other things, how wrong we are to look down at ‘Mad Men’, when in fact the sane are running wild.

Here is another link which might be closer to the subject of One Flew, for I fear that this note will just go off on a tangent or more…


Martini aka Danny De Vito, Billy and the others have issues, but what about the people who vote for Trump (and other scoundrels in the same mold) are they healthy, is it possible to support such a disgusting goodfella?

As it is evident, I am already off the Cuckoo’s Nest and into another territory, that of my current, or permanent obsession, how is it possible for humanity to have come so far, and yet, decline so fiercely at the same time…


Yuval Harari is one of the most prominent luminaries of our times and he has written three great works, one of them is Sapiens – A Brief History of Humanity

In this, and his other two marvels, he argues that humanity has reached a golden age (incidentally, he makes some fantastic points, such as maize and other crops have ‘used humans’ for their benefit) but that was before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, highlighting that we have enjoyed so much peace recently…


Nonetheless, if there is progress on so many fronts, including AI, medicine, technology, what about this Decline of America, once the greatest democracy in the world has a Cuckoo running to be president again

And that would be alright, why not, let the fools be free, and they can enjoy the human rights and all, but not with the chance to become the most powerful earthling, one that could just blow the planet up in a fit of anger


These days, the DOJ has indicted Trump on 37 counts, showing how the stupid ghoul (who claimed that he has a ‘very large brain, he is a very stable genius’) kept the valuable secrets in…his bathroom, ballroom…

Leaders of the Republican party, with some notable exceptions, like senator Mitt Romney (who knows about integrity, morality, unlike most of his colleagues), have jumped to…defend the indefensible, the fraud


We could conclude that where the Republicans have the majority, in the ‘red states’, America is in decline, banning abortion, even for cases of rape, incest, for the extreme fundamentalists, which is incredible

Aside from Trump, they have other demagogues, populists, and outright nut cases that are in congress, screaming and shouting the most stupid lies and conspiracy theories, Marjorie Taylor Green is a case in point


She said or posted some time ago (and then deleted, when some minimal sense was kicked into her) that Jewish Space Lasers (think of that) are the reason for…forest fires, and these sickos deny Climate Change.

They also have a majority in the Supreme Court, due to their stupidity in voting for Trump, who nominated extremists, think of that other cretin, screaming when he was questioned for the confirmation…


These radicals have wiped out Wade vs Roe, thus making sure that women lose the right to abortion in red states (even when their lives are at risk, in some cases) and used a completely different ruse to interfere with the gun laws in New York

On the one hand, we insist on the rights for states to act somewhat according to their own legislature’s wishes, and norms, and on the other, when they want their own beliefs enforced, they say New York, this is not for you


Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this  – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is

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