joi, 27 iulie 2023

The Lost King based on The King's Grave


The Lost King based on The King's Grave: The Search for Richard III by Philippa Langley and Michael Jones

8 out of 10



The Daughter of Time by Kosephine Fey was voted the Best Mystery Novel by the British Association of writers of the genre, and it is also high placed in the one complied by The American Association, and they have good reason for that


Indeed, the main reason why i have taken to watching The Lost King is that i had veen enchanted by The Daughter of Time and its subject, the extraordianry solution to a centuries old mystery, a saga that is in a different way told in this movie...i am not a fan of Steve Coogan, i avoid films with him, but this is different

Richard III is probably best known from the Shakespeare tragedy – ‚now is the winter of our discontent, turned into glorious summer by this son of York, and all the clouds that loured upon our house, into the deep bosom of the ocean buried’ maybe the most woderful verses i know – but soiler alert, it is what we call today ‚fake news’


There are quite a few myths that humanity holds to, some of them associated with happiness and they are exposed in The Myths of Happiness by divine Sonja Lyubomrisky and the classic Stumbling On Happiness by Harvard Professor Daniel Gilbert – we think we would be happy, if ponly we were to move to California, or an isanld in the Pacific, Caribbean, but if and when that happens, that utopia is anihilated by Hedonic Adaptation phenomenon, which means that we adapt to almost everything and stop being exhilarated after a short time

The Lost King was assumed to have been the archetypal mosnter, with a hunchback (it turns out that he suffered from scoliosis, but he he did not carry a huge weight on his back) and such a vile character, that he had killed his nephews, becasue he was so avid for power (narcissistic personality disordered Trump comes to mind) that he had to kill anyone that had a claim to the throne, so children were murdered


Until recenly, he was called the usurper, the royal family had him officially listed as that on the official site, but this was slander used by his successors to make him seem a beast, and make their image so uch more presantable – as it is explained, why had he not killed the other memebrs of the family, since there had been quite a few with the connection to the family, and they survived the ‚royal killer’


Furthermore, when he is out of the picture and his succesor gives a speech in parliament – one that is recorded in official documents – there is no mention of the gruseome murders that had been assigend to Richard III...his status is completly changed by The Daughetr of Time and then there is the contribution of the film and the book that inspired it, we leanr that Richard was a sueprior monatrch and good man

In an age when priniting was still seen as ‚the work of the devil, diabolical’ by many, Richard III is in fact in favor of that invention, he brings stability to the throne and he is not so weird, peculiar to ‚make dogs bark’, as William Shakespeare has it in hsi famous play, which has presented the protagonist as freak


If we mention just one example, then let us put down The Goodbye Girl bsed on the play by Neil Simon, a film for which Richard (such a popular name) Dreyfuss has won the Oscar for Best Permonce by an Actor in a Leading Role, and he is an actor in the anrrative, who has to take on the role of...Richard III

The director in the movie tries something different, but the variation does not propose a kinder, nobler royalty, the monarch is just as awful, it is his sexuality – and that of Shakespeare, who has that sonnet with ‚a woman’s face with nature’s own hand painted has though, the Master/Mistress of my passion...’ – that is explored, and Dreyfuss is invited to try and make Richard III homosexual, and different...


Which is to be celebrated, evidently, but then why had they not tried to have us look at the poor king in a different light, in what has to do with his Character Strengths – to see whaich they are, and where you stand, you should look on the ineternt for Martin Seligman co-founder of Posyive Psychology

he is the one that advanced the Hppiness formula PERMA aka Positive Emotions, Enagement, Relationships, Meaning and Acheievemnt, and for Enagement you could do no better than read Flow by the other co-founder of Positive Psychology, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , the conditions for Flow are – you are in control, nothing else matters, time becomes fluid, challanges meet skills, feedback is constant and immediate, this is autotelic and you are in The Zone


Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this  – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is



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