joi, 15 februarie 2018

The Post, director Steven Spielberg, with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks

The Post, director Steven Spielberg, with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks

                The Post is the best film of 2017…

                Steven Spielberg, Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks!

                The Post has the magic formula, the nec plus ultra of cinema!
With the crème de la crème responsible for this motion picture, almost nothing can go wrong and all is exceptional.

Indeed, this is a film that can serve as a lesson for ethics, morals, virtues classes and the main characters are role models.
They have almost all- perhaps the entire spectrum- the Signature Strengths identified by Professor Martin Seligman:

Curiosity, Fairness, Bravery, Hope, Gratitude, Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Citizenship
Open-mindedness, Self-regulation, Justice, Spirituality, Wisdom, Temperance, Vitality, Perseverance

This masterpiece reminds one of another monumental work of art:

All the President’s Men

Moreover, this viewer has been expecting from the start of the film to see the infamous Watergate scandal erupting.
There is mention of it and it is fabulous, although I will not say when and how this happens, just that is miraculous, so wonderful it is placed.

The investigation at the core of this film is worthy of the best journalism that uncovers the truth and censors politicians and leaders.
It is so crucial currently when media is under such a terrible assault from the likes of lying Trump, Russian agents that pay adds to influence elections (and are involved in other nefarious activities).

A couple of years ago, another splendid investigation inspired the Oscar winner for Best Film, Spotlight.
The Post has the Pentagon Papers at the center, documents taken out from the headquarters of the American Defense Department.

Those documents reveal that a series of American presidents have lied about Vietnam and the implications.
It is of paramount importance to let the public know about all this, only it interferes with other interests, such as to protect State Secrets and national security, with law courts ordering a stop to the publication of these dossiers.

Therefore, journalists, editors and managers of The Post face a prison sentence when they decide to publish anyway, putting what they see as the nation’s right to know and amendments of the constitution ahead of personal risks.
Lawyers argue that the danger is too high to ignore and their clients need to stop the release of secret papers.

The heroes also have to face the consequences of their dangerous decisions on the finances of The Post.
This remarkable media outlet had been engaged, before the most popular journalistic investigation of all time, The Watergate break in and the resulting resignation of the American President, the only one before Donald Trump (Insha’Allah!) to do so, in a battle of nerves with financial backers, government agencies, law courts and rivals waiting to see the Post fail.

After they get involved and cover this story that reveals so many shortcomings, blunders, lies and mistakes about Vietnam, an extraordinary solidarity and ethical, moral, virtuous attitude of newspapers is blooming.
In the époque of Fox News, Fox and Friends that are feeding this incredibly flawed clown with the sycophantic blabber he wants to see, audiences may have trouble understanding the move that almost all media outposts made to express solidarity with the Washington Post.

This is a magnificent, glorious, triumphant, formidable, authentic, epic story of an astonishing battle.
The fight to get the Truth out, no matter what the consequences are for personal fortune and liberty is an incredible spectacle to watch.

Protagonists are engaged in an outstanding conflict with powers that try to confiscate the truth.
Today, alas, people get the information they prefer= those watching Fox, Breibart and the like, hear nothing about Russia investigation, Stormy Daniels, wife beatings and all the scandalous rest coming from a White House turned Dark.

The Post is the best film of 2017.

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