marți, 7 mai 2019

Ed Wood, based on the book by Rudolph Grey - 9.5 out of 10

Ed Wood, based on the book by Rudolph Grey
9.5 out of 10

Paradoxically and sadly, the hero of this splendid film was an almost absolute failure, but the story of his life, adapted for the big screen makes for compelling viewing.
One might be tempted to say that Johnny Depp is especially mesmerizing when he plays outre, troubled, bizarre characters like Edward D. Wood Jr., because he is also a very peculiar man, when off the set...perhaps on it as well.

To begin with, the director works in theater, but the critic that counts is not favorably impressed.
Ed Wood though is of an optimism that borders, perhaps surpasses, Panglossian exaggerations.

When his small cast, including the phenomenal Bill Murray as Bunny Breckinridge and his lover and actress Dolores Fuller aka Sarah Jessica Parker, is depressed by the negative review, the hero is optimistic...
He said the stage design was realistic.

There is an ad that mentions the making of a film about somebody who changes sex.
Ed Wood meets producer Georgie Weiss and some of the exchanges are hilarious...indeed, the whole film is a formidable cocktail of amusement and sorrow for the fate of almost all the protagonists.

The producer is honest, modest and states clearly that his films are crap.
One jocular line is the reply to the offer of putting a star in a production:

We will have shit with a star...or words to that effect

When Weiss is interested to know what makes this director especially qualified for the sex change feature, he confesses that he likes to wear women's clothes...underwear, brassiere and the whole paraphernalia.
He is not gay, loves women, but he has this fetish that would get him in trouble with Dolores, although not with Kathy O'Hara aka Patricia Arquette, who would be tolerant, if not interested, in this oddity of the writer- director.

Ed Wood would meet with Bela Lugosi, played by the majestic, glorious Martin Landau, who has won a deserved Oscar for is part.
The once great performer is no longer employed.

This is the moment when the director talks to the producer of minor films and explains he would get the great Lugosi for $ 1,000.
On the set, there would be a few memorable scenes, one of which has one member of the crew talk to the once famous star and say to him in awe...

You were the sidekick of Boris Karloff!
Karloff was not good enough to smell my shit, replies the furious Lugosi.

Ed Wood may remind you of The Disaster Artist.
Unsuccessful and perseverent , the hero would always have trouble raising money.

He is talking to anyone who could potentially finance his most often ridiculous projects.
Even in a meat packing hall, he takes the two conditions that the financial backer imposes with resignation.

One, I want the movie to end with an explosion, and two, my son, who is rather slow, will be the star, leading man...

In another instance, he thinks he has found a rich woman, who is given the lead role, causing thus a commotion at home, where his girlfriend is aghast, only to find that all she has is three hundred dollars...she had said that sixty thousand seems reasonable for the making of a movie, but never said she has them.
Then there would be religious people, who want to do twelve films and Ed Wood is there to help them.

The crew is baptized in a pool, they all attend church, albeit artistic differences would be a major handicap and would make the public laugh, yet again.

Ed Wood is a marvelous motion picture.

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