vineri, 10 mai 2019

Ossessione, written and directed by Luchino Visconti, inspired by the work of James M. Cain - 9.2 out of 10

Ossessione, written and directed by Luchino Visconti, inspired by the work of James M. Cain
9.2 out of 10

Ossessione is included on The New York Times’ Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made list, accessible here:

The motion picture reminds one of the Postman Always Rings Twice, the older, much better – excellent in fact – version, for the newer one, although it has the phenomenal Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange leading the cast, pales when compared to Ossessione and the Lana Turner production.
Gino is the Italian equivalent of Frank Chambers, from the said Postman, and he stops at this small restaurant, where he has no money to pay for his bill and the owner follows him on the road.

Giuseppe Bragana mentions the fact that he has a truck with problems and the client might look at it, perhaps work for the money he owes and this is interesting for the man who had seen the wife.
Gino Costa had been attracted by Giovanna Bragana, who has also shown interest, in part because of being married to a much older man, an aspect she would complain about.

After the drifter starts working at the restaurant, fixing in the first place the trouble the truck had had, he gets closer to the wife, who is under the spell of the much younger, strong, determined man.
He would be suspicious of her motives later, but for the first chapter of their intimacy, the excitement, and enthusiasm have reached maximum levels, an affair is initiated, and looks like it may end.

Gino is asphyxiated, overwhelmed, burdened by the atmosphere, the presence of the cuckold husband and he wants to change the circumstances, for he cannot accept the situation any longer.

Therefore, he insists that they must run away and set out for a new life somewhere else, where their love can flourish, instead of being stifled, strangled and killed by the unfortunate ménage a trois.
They even set about accomplishing this plan, concocted by the man, but as they walk on the road, Giovanna has second thoughts and then she is determined she does not want to leave her home.

It is probably a fear of the unknown, the trauma of abandoning a rather comfortable standard of living – she had married her spouse for the money – to face the prospect of hunger and little, maybe no money.
Therefore, she backtracks and states that she cannot travel into the unknown, she wants to return, making her lover doubt later on her honesty and the true reasons for their bondage.

Gino would later assume that he would have been used, for this incident will present itself in a different light, as proof that the woman has no real feelings and she only wanted to achieve a nefarious goal.
I would recommend that he reads Thomas Mann – of course, jocularly, for there is no means to do that – in particular, the short story where a character explains that love only exists in literature and art, for in real life, although we keep saying ‘we have no words to express our intense, galactic love’, what we feel always proves temporary, shallow and limited.

If a reader has reached so far, – which is rather unlikely – he or she may wish to stop, for some details may be revealed about what happens down the road, after the first part of the film.
So far, we have only reached perhaps one third of Ossessione.

Gino decides to move away, without his Ossessione – we can guess that this is one way to read the title – and they would meet by accident, later, when Bragana and his spouse would travel to a nearby city.
Giuseppe Bragana is scolding his former temporary employee, criticizing his abandonment of a job that offered security, food on the table and shelter, for such a preposterous occupation.

Gino Costa is a walking advertisement, seeing as he has a publicity structure hanging on his back, but he talks with the couple, then the husband gets drunk, sings an aria from an opera on a stage.
The dormant flame that was consuming Gino and Giovanna is now bursting with energy, wild with an incendiary temperature and the two reconnected lovers are ready to commit dramatic acts.

They seem to have lost a sense of danger, thinking they have found the secret of their happiness, plotting to remove any hindrance, obstacle that could make their passion die.

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