duminică, 29 ianuarie 2023

Le Compte de Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas author of The Man in The Iron Mask http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-iron-mask-aka-le-masque-de-fer.html and many other popular books - 9 out 10


Le Compte de Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas author of The Man in The Iron Mask http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-iron-mask-aka-le-masque-de-fer.html and many other popular books

9 out 10



You must watch the remarkable L’Autre Dumas, with Gerard Depardieu in top form as Alexandre Dumas and Benoit Poelvoorde -one of the greatest actors in the world, though few would know his name, and even fewer would be able to pronounce it (maybe this is just the wrong feeling, seeming as it looks so complicated to me) the one who shocked the cinephiles in Man Bites Dog aka C’est Arrive Pres De Chez Vous http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/02/cest-arrive-pres-de-chez-vous-aka-man.html what a phenomenon!


In L’Autre Dumas we find that Auguste Maquet, played by mesmerizing Benoit Poelvoorde in the adaptation for the big screen – may have been the ghost writer , and hence the author of some of the most celebrated novels…I think I have read in The Russian Girl http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-russian-girl-by-magister-ludi.html by Magister Ludi Kingsley Amis about Dumas

It said that he has had African ancestry, maybe the grandmother was black, I forgot what exactly was the relative, maybe it was his grandfather, and it could well be in another book that this mentioned, together with other personal information on some of the other authors…more important would be Intellectuals by brilliant Paul Johnson http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/06/intellectuals-by-paul-johnson.html


Intellectuals lets us look behind the curtain, into the writing room, sometimes the bedroom of luminaries like Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Ernest Hemingway, Jean Jacques Rousseau and others…Rousseau was so abominable as to leave his children at the door of the orphanage, at a time when nine out of ten died in such circumstances, but there are vile things the others have done, and many celebrated men

Le Compte de Monte Cristo is one of the best stories, and a very entertaining one, at least for a teenager, as I was when I first read it, in the meantime, I have seen some adaptations for the big or small screen and did not find them all that exhilarating, due to a lack of sophistication perhaps, this is not Marcel Proust after all


Marcel Proust is in fact the standard http://realini.blogspot.com/2013/06/un-amour-de-swan-by-marcel-proust.html as in nec plus ultra, nobody will take him off the pedestal, he is the best there is for yours truly, and though Le Compte de Monte Cristo is a good adventure book, there is a feeling that I would waste my time, if I were to take it up again now, or even if it were the first time, it lacks the amplitude


As it is, we are outraged when Edmond Dantes is unjustly taken to this awful prison, just because his enemy Mondego wants to take all, including Mercedes - by the way, have I read somewhere that the luxury brand also takes the name from a woman called Mercedes, and what a joke it was a few years back, when they still used their ad slogan ‘nothing but the best’, only they were losing serious ground against their main rivals, Audi and BMW, so the blague was change the line to ‘nothing but third best’

Dantes becomes somehow the epitome of the conquering hero, rising like the Phoenix bird from the ashes, he tumbles to the lowest point, a nadir reached in that terrible prison, and then finds this other prisoner, who gives him the secret of the treasure, then opportunely dies, so that our protagonist can use this tragic event to masquerade as a corpse and then climb back to the very top…we all know about this, right?


Harvard Professor Tal Ben Shahar had the most popular lectures in the history of that venerable institution, and the videos are available online, if you are interested, lessons on positive psychology, the art of happiness, mixing in those precious courses scenes from classic movies, such as Dead Poets Society, Seinfeld, comedians sagesse, Ellen De Generes is mentioned a few times, with insight into the life of the academic http://realini.blogspot.com/2016/04/choose-life-you-want-by-tal-ben-shahar.html

one of the mantras, the leit motifs is ‘learn to fail or fail to learn’ and we have the example of someone who went to work at The White House, in the most powerful administration in the world, near the center of tremendous power, after a superb evolution and then…committed suicide, because in this phenomenal climb to the top, he had never encountered a crisis, failure, and when a traumatic experience came about, the adversity could not be coped with and the remarkable fellow collapsed.


Thus, it makes sense to include a rule that deals with this kind of challenge, one you find in the majestic book by another happiness scholar, Sonja Lyubomirsky, from the West Coast of America, The How of Happiness http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-how-of-happiness-by-sonja.html has included   ‘Happiness Activity No 6: Developing Strategies for Coping-practicing ways to endure or surmount hardship or trauma’

Indeed, this is one element which is important in The Count of Monte Cristo, the way he deals with the massive fall into that dungeon is admirable, and then his story is one that can offer quite a few lessons in bravery, resilience – I mean, think about it, you and me would probably just disintegrate on the floor of that goddamn awful place and just wait in misery to have it all end and soon, presto, today, not later…

On the other hand, let us think of Fyodor Dostoyevsky   http://realini.blogspot.com/2020/06/notes-from-underground-by-fyodor.html who had been condemned to death and then pardoned in the last minute, as he was standing in front of the execution squad, went on to write how the man on death row (they were almost all men surely) would rather live on a bare rock in the middle of the ocean than die

You may wish to ask me about this http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world or perhaps learn about the 1989 Revolution http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/03/realini-in-newsweek-participant-in.html

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