luni, 7 august 2023

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer by Scott Neustadter

10 out of 10



I have seen this for the second time the other day, and found the love story compelling, indeed, looking at the previous note, when seen six years ago, the movie was rated with only nine out of ten, but now it looks better.


Having said this, it has become a habit – getting worse with time apparently – to abandon the theme of the book or film and venture into what I thought about it, or not even that, just ideas that crossed my mind while reading the work, and therefore there must be a warning here to alert anybody interested that whatever I had to say about 500 Days of Summer is already placed above…a ‘pretty good show’

It made me think of the lines I have read, some of them learned – ‘my love is as a fever longing still for that which longer nursest the disease…past cure I am, now reason is past care, and frantic mad, with ever more unrest, my thoughts and my discourse as mad men are, at random from the truth vainly expressed’


That was supposed to be from a sonnet of Shakespeare, which seemed both amusing and excellent, at the time when interested in love and trying to get close to women, I have learned some love poems by heart, to try and show off, be mirthful -to say that ‘I am frantic mad’ seemed hilarious, as well as offering some sort of trailer, introduction in what there is to come, in case we decide to continue and maybe a show of honesty

Early on, there has been a revelation in reading Thomas Mann who had a very clear, if somewhat gloomy description of love, in one of his short stories and in other of his masterpieces…


There is of course the love between Hans Castorp and the Russian woman - what a mistake, to choose someone from there…I am just playing games here and the leys are in this fabulous classic of psychology, Games People Play by Eric Berne

Actually, Clavdia Chauchat -this is a magic moment here, for I have no idea how I came to get that outré name, from the memory that tends to mix all sorts of information and find I cannot remember the name of what, Brad Pitt, not yet, but it will happen soon – was not even Russian, she comes from that part of the world.

She could be Ukrainian – or maybe not, I am pushing it too far with the notion that I have now The Magic Mountain all here, in front of my eyes, and the details, intrigue, geography, names and games are crystal clear…they are not


Clavdia Chauchat might well be placed by Thomas Mann very clearly, in a precise geographical area, but I just think I recall how Hans Castorp was mesmerized (and I felt about the same with him, holding the book in my hands) and he, or the author, speculated on the features of this exotic presence, a woman from the steppes, one that somehow I sort of prefer to associate with Ukraine and not Russia

Which is evidently silly, nay, even worse, because there is Gogol Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Goncearov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Anton Chekhov, Ivan Turgenev and the list is longer


They are Russian and their magnum opera is essential for humanity, we have so much to be grateful for, luminaries from that wonderful people – somehow, they have produced giants and angels, but then we also have Putin, such a monster, now I think about Richard III and the myth we still have about him

Richard III was a good king, the real one, but the mythical, literary character was  a monster and Putin is a copy of that ‘now is the winter of our discontent turned into glorious summer by this son of York and all the clouds that loured upon our house, in the deep bosom of the ocean buried’ a vile creature…


The Daughter of Time by Josephine Fey was voted the best mystery novel by the Association of Mystery Writers in Britain, and among the best 100 (somewhere at twenty two, or thereabouts) by the American Association of Mystery Writers (there may be another name for the two outfits, but the major point is correct)

It looks at the murder of the two young boys, and finds that Richard III was not responsible, on the contrary, as stated before, the man was actually more than honorable and we have here one of those lies that have been perpetuated…another great read on myths is Myths of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky


 Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this    – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is

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