sâmbătă, 26 august 2023

El Cid by Frank Fredric, Philip Yordan, Samuel Bronston http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-cid-by-pierre-corneille.html - 9 out of 10

El Cid by Frank Fredric, Philip Yordan, Samuel Bronston http://realini.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-cid-by-pierre-corneille.html

9 out of 10



We live in a world with gruesome leaders (in fact, I was about to put the word between commas, and then I thought I might well put this long line of words instead) and thus stories, legends like El Cid could help to remind us of different standards, role models, for it seems that billions of fools and deplorable – this is a good label, that Hilary Clinton used and would not help her in the race, but it was true – aspire to be like Putin, Xi, Trump, Bolsanaro or Lula, MBS, and there is a long line of ghouls we can put here


El Cid was the epitome, the ideal fighter, a noble that was loyal, when offered the crown of Valencia, he refused to get the power, and accepted instead in the name of his sovereign, a king that had betrayed him, and showed himself (the royal) unworthy, but since the hero had pledged his honor, it did not matter that this ‘majestic fraud’ was undeserving, the protagonist fought against foes and won…

There is a battle between two Gods, we are told at one point that the God of the Christians will fight against the God of the Muslims – this being Spain, at the time when the two faiths clashed with each other – but whereas his royal master refuses the offer of help from another religion, El Cid is for collaboration, ecumenical understanding – if that is the expression, I know it is used for the rapprochement between various Christians denominations, but I am not sure if it is useful in this context


We have a Paradigm shift in our times, the model of El Cid is no longer in the vanguard, for the definition of this fundamental change we could look at Vernon God Little http://realini.blogspot.com/2016/06/vernon-god-little-by-dbc-pierre-divine.html The Booker Prize Winner by DBC Pierre, which has one character explain to Vernon, in words to this effect ‘you enter a room and find that a stranger has a finger up your grannies ass, what do you think, and the answer is bastard, I will destroy you, but then you see that the man had in fact tried to save your aged relative, from a deadly disease, what do you say now, oh, so much gratitude…this is paradigm shift for you…’and the change we experience today

I was talking in the Caro sauna earlier, about the new indictments that Trump is facing, and the rise in popularity as a consequence of being exposed as a criminal – actually, he is a serial criminal, still not found guilty in court, but hey, nobody is reading this, anyway, if anybody is, and he is a cult member, adoring the Orange Clown, well then, fuck off – that takes him to poll numbers that say he has a fifty percent chance


Jesus Christ Superstar http://realini.blogspot.com/2023/05/jesus-christ-superstar-by-andrew-lloyd.html how can this be...I remember some decades ago, when a Democratic senator was trying to run for president, they found that he had had an affair with a secretary, or somebody, and then poof, it was all over for the man, who would have to retire from the competition, apologize to everyone and depart in disgrace


Whereas now, you have a monster that had said before the elections that he won (how absurd this is) that he ’grabs women by the pussy’, and still, those mother fucking ‘evangelicals’ felt no qualms about voting for him…yes, they did because God works in mysterious ways, and then this unapologetic atheist would deliver the goods, absolutist supreme justices – who by the way use unjust means, they interfere in New York and other states, because they want guns all over, and then they say they allow the fundamentalist states to adopt anti-abortion laws that could have been designed by Torquemada

This is not the only abhorrent cult leader in the world, it is true though that we have seen him at his game, from next year it would be exponentially worse, if he gets to the top again, and it will affect the whole world, from Ukraine to Taiwan…for Ukraine, he has the best solution, evidently, he is ‘the very stable genius’, self-proclaimed, but never mind, he will end it in twenty four hours, as with the other problems he had promised to solve (Health care, Obama care) he never does, but in this situation, we could be sure that he would allow Putin to take the land and more, he loves tyrants, he wants desperately to be one, and who knows, maybe his wish will come true, and he will cut off aid to Ukraine


Influence http://realini.blogspot.com/2016/05/influence-by-robert-cialdini.html by Robert Cialdini is a classic of psychology and the wondrous author looks at cults, gives readers the example of the cult that moved from California to Guyana, where the leader asked the members at one point to…commit suicide, and most of them did, hundreds of people died, with some exceptions, some who had not fallen into the Social Acceptance trap, for it was a disastrous result for those who followed the example of the others

It looks as if this is what could happen, in a society where the bravery, devotion, spirit of self-sacrifice, honesty, munificence, wisdom, love of learning, integrity of El Cid, are replaced by a model of cheating, narcissism brought to extremes, the idiot that could rule the world in 2024 suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder – there is another classic, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem http://realini.blogspot.com/2013/06/six-pillars-of-self-esteem-by-nathaniel.html by Nathaniel Branden...


The ultimate expert on self-esteem writes that those who display arrogance, show off, do not have the confidence they want to project, the real trust in oneself is shown when one is relaxed, serene, does not behave like a rooster, or like a Trump…again, the model we should look up to is El Cid, and watching the movie would help

Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world    – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/03/realini-in-newsweek-participant-in.html



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