sâmbătă, 12 august 2023

All The President’s Men by William Goldman, winner of the Oscar, based on the book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward – the latter author of many books on presidents, some of them on the calamity that could hit us again, next year http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/09/fear-trump-in-white-house-by-bob.html - 10 out of 10


All The President’s Men by William Goldman, winner of the Oscar, based on the book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward – the latter author of many books on presidents, some of them on the calamity that could hit us again, next year http://realini.blogspot.com/2018/09/fear-trump-in-white-house-by-bob.html

10 out of 10



This is one of the best films ever made, about one of the worst scandals in American history, evidently, until the catastrophe named Trump had been elected, and then you had two impeachments, the storming of Congress, the classified documents case, trying to steal the election and America has lost the status of the ‘greatest democracy in the world’, unless we credit that title with the survival of the realm, after such an immense shit storm…, they may still put the man in the White House and tens of millions adore the lunatic, in other words, is this a great nation…I doubt it, though my sister lives there, there is no hurry to visit any time soon, at least until we see what happens in November 2024


The making of All The President’s Men is worthy of a film in itself, and we find about it from a scripture of the business, Adventures in The Screen Trade http://realini.blogspot.com/2017/02/adventures-in-screen-trade-by-william.html by William Goldman, who wrote the script for this and another Oscar winner for screenplay, Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, after making the latter movie, he was invited by Robert Redford to work together and then the actor changed his mind.

Nevertheless, the occasion came again, and Redford wanted Goldman to write the script for what would become All The President’s Men, a story about the Watergate scandal, and the author tells us how difficult it is to write about something that was so fresh in the memory of Americans, and what an elaborate, difficult task it was to translate the minutia of the investigation into something that audiences would watch, never mind making it a fundamental work of fiction, Goldman also relates this to writing the screenplay for A Bridge Too Far, where incredible things happen, and they did in reality…


They call ‘mumblecore’ movies that have a lot a dialogue, talkies, and this is of that genre, we could also call it sophisticated, I think, far opposed to what is selling today, the Marvel (inept to me) universe and we have to give it to the original investigators, Bob Woodward (I have read five or more of his books, all of them on Trump, who is exposed as such a fraud and a fool) and Carl Bernstein, who had the intelligence, inspiration, resilience, courage to follow this event from its inception, when silly robbers are caught trying to bug the offices of the Democratic Party, then they have a lawyer that is not in the room, then he is just a private person, the librarian at the White House knows the books Howard Hunt took(aka Woody Harrelson, to my dismay and chagrin, one that thinks Covid is a conspiracy, in the recent White House Plumbers series) then she denies knowing him and talking to Bernstein


However scandalous and wrong the Nixon administration’s involvement in all this business was, the levels of ineptitude, malevolence, selfishness, arrogance and let us stop here, for the list of wrongdoing and dirt is long, reached by the Trump team is staggering, these days they have announced that the worst leader in the history of his country – Harding was for some the limit, but he was a luminary and success when set against this disaster, we have the Harding Effect explained in the classic Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking http://realini.blogspot.com/2013/05/blink-power-of-thinking-without.html by Malcolm Gladwell and the way it applies, with research made at the Fortune 500 companies, whose CEOs are much taller than the average and they are about ten times better represented at the top than in the population at large – is about to be indicted, yet again…

This loser has taken secret documents when leaving the White House, agencies have tried for one year or more to reason with him, make him respect the law, return what is not his, but the lunatic, due to his severe Narcissistic Personality disorder and other ailments he has refused to cooperated, lied, cheated, kept important secrets in the ballroom, toilet, showed them to hoi polloi, caused the death of people with that, and he was indicted, and then again, now he will face the law, due to his role in the occupation of the Capitol building, the rebellion, terrorist act of January 4 that is now a litmus test


The lead article and then some more in the latest The Economist looks at the situation, how Trump could return with a vengeance (or more than one) and they now have a small (Insha’Allah) army of devotees, that are vetted according to what they think of January 6, if they see it as an act committed by heroes, they are in, but if they have doubts, there is no way that they get accepted into the team that will take over, once, if Trump wins next year, when they plan to have bureaucrats fired, and then establish a new rule that will see any official dismissed immediately, if they do not satisfy the criteria of this extreme right wing

In other words, the world might have been ‘lucky’, just as improbable as that sounds – actually, it is still an oxymoron, but let me keep this and not edit – when the first time around the orange fool was unprepared, and he had ‘adults’ in the room, the likes of ‘Mad Dog ‘and others, who have prevented the cretin from doing even worse, which looks not just likely, but more of a promise, if he is elected and then he would allow Russia to take land from Ukraine and who knows what else, he would terminate NATO, just as he has warned the first time around and nothing will prevent him in the next years, expect losing in November…


This is when the ‘dark humor’ will come from seeing the local idiots – I am thinking of our little Doctor Mengele, from the sauna – explain the new world order, how the Russians are right in confiscating their big properties – true, this kind of psychopath has a way to accumulate wealth in tyrannical regimes, this doctor has a huge fortune, made when salaries were miniscule, but the baksheesh was big



Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/02/unique-in-world.html?q=unique+in+the+world  – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is http://realini.blogspot.com/2022/03/realini-in-newsweek-participant-in.html



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