miercuri, 25 septembrie 2019

My Super Ex-Girlfriend by Don Payne - Seven out of 10

My Super Ex-Girlfriend by Don Payne
Seven out of 10

The good moments are few and far between.

You may enjoy though the scene wherein Jenny Johnson aka G-Girl aka Uma Thurman breaks the bed of her lover.
This is charming Matt Saunders aka Luke Wilson.

Perhaps the most laudable aspect of this comedy is that it takes the idea of the superhero, superheroine in this case, lightly.
Faced with avalanche of Avengers, Spider Men, X and other Super Men, the public may enjoy one feature where we are not in awe at the exploits of the main character.

Yes, G-Girl saves people in trouble.
She even releases poor Matt from the Statue of Liberty, where he was hanging and just about to die.

The Super Girl takes the trouble to change the trajectory of a missile, just when it was ready to hit a crowded city.
Only this last endeavor comes after Matt insists that she does something to prevent a massacre and she is rather infuriated she has to work all the time and find solutions…

Otherwise, there is not much here that we can admire, but this is mostly because we have been inundated with so many heroes, sequels, prequels and spin offs of comic book characters that it is more than enough.
If we are to select among them though, Super Ex- Girlfriend has more merits that most of the other motion pictures in the genre.

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