vineri, 8 septembrie 2023

The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Torro - 9 out of 10


The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Torro

9 out of 10



Comedians have taken shots at The Shape of Water, and so did others that did not get the message, or the hidden symbols, perhaps some of them are in plain sight, not dissimulated, however, this will be about anything but the film, at least the way I see it now, it may be that the link above will say something about The Shape


It was on one of the many film channels that we have now (Alhamdulillah) the other day, and it made me think of writing a note – and here you are – but the preoccupation is not with Guillermo del Torro and his work of art (winner of the Oscar for Best Film) but with what this situation has in common with my own life

So there it is, attached to the…Vietnamese entry on goodreads, and seeing as few arrive on this page, and most likely nobody is still around after the third line or so, I can write whatever I want, this is the advantage of having a limited, or no audience, when there are readers, an audience would react, protest, etc.


In this universe, you do not have to apologize, be Woke, take refuge when you are cancelled, and muse over the morality of it all…if an urinal is exhibited, the animals cut in half by Damien Hirst are admired works of art, why not write notes that look inside the viewer and not at the subject at hand, The Shape

The love affair between Elisa Esposito aka the fabulous Sally Hawkins and the Amphibian Man is inspiring and we can look for significance and come up with different interpretations, according to our politics, some of the crazies out there will see this as a metaphor for the Dragon they worship, Trump


Nonetheless, the evangelicals, Taliban of the once Grand Old Party, must have rejected The Shape of Water outright, but if they looked at it, then they would just tell you that the Spirit, Angel of Vengeance they support if the Absolute Idiot that for me is the symbol of the monster, but not the gentle creature of del Toro

I have read an article in The Economist earlier, about The Sound of Freedom, with Jim Caviezel who had been doing some good films, once upon a time, but now is one of the conspirationists that reduce the IQ level of humanity

The movie is about another fool, a goodfella that had worked for the government, compares himself to Lincoln, rejects criticism, just because it comes from the left, though The Economist explains it is mediocre, in real life, we do not have human trafficking as presented in this mega –hit for the producers


They have spent about fifteen million and the box office is already at about one hundred and sixty million, with viewers buying tickets for others, while they push more conspiracy theories, claiming that theaters turn off the air conditioning, so that the poor folks of the right (extreme right it is nowadays) are not able to see it

In the film, the ‘hero’ is saving a kidnapped child, then jumps into a speed boat and flees in a flurry of bullets, but in reality, most victims are not that young, and they are abused by people they know, however, what matters for this audience is that Trump has screened it at one of his venues, and what the ghoul does is to be replicated…


The other take on the Shape of Water, the Amphibian Man and Esposito is to celebrate love in all its forms, including between a human and a ‘creature’ of the mind, maybe the water, imagination, whatever it is, and enjoy it while you can…here my mind went off to my own experience with an…Alien

It was not as in the Shape of Water, or Close Encounters of The Third Kind an excellent movie by Steven Spielberg, in which Aliens have arrived and try to communicate in a ‘civilized’ manner with humans


My ‘Creature’ was from another world, in the sense that she was Miss Land, where land stands for the realm I live in, for I still do not feel comfortable with just placing the truth all out here, what if the presumption exposed in the start is not true, and this becomes ‘a must read’ and then I stand accused of putting in the public domain details about romance, intimacy, all with the personal data released…

I am just joking, there is nothing compromising here, except perhaps the connection with me in itself, how could such a diva lower herself to the level of the representative of the hoi polloi, or is it the other way round, the revolutionary, well read, smart, erudite, amusing (let us stop before it gets out of control, and we approach the imposed limit of the note anyway) had made a mistake in spending time, fiancés, emotions and more on someone who had just won a silly title, and then because of that was worshipped


It was as close as I have gotten to a Spirit in the Water (or outside it) albeit, come to think of it, the spouse I have now is just as remote, distanced and other worldly as The Amphibian Man or Woman, and she thinks I am a toad…


Now for a question, and invitation – maybe you have a good idea on how we could make more than a million dollars with this    – as it is, this is a unique technique, which we could promote, sell, open the Oscars show with or something and then make lots of money together, if you have the how, I have the product, I just do not know how to get the befits from it, other than the exercise per se


As for my role in the Revolution that killed Ceausescu, a smaller Mao, there it is


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